
Open Letter to the Trumansburg Board of Trustees regarding Village zoning revision

Dear Board Members,

Thank you for your continued attention to this important matter that will shape the character of the Village for years to come.

Good zoning strikes the appropriate balance between growth and preservation tailored to the needs, and vision for the future, of individual communities. A lack of planning can lead to chaotic, unsustainable development, while excessive regulation may preserve existing neighborhoods but not allow communities to evolve and grow.

The Comprehensive Plan sets forth  both growth and preservation as goals for any zoning revision. While the CPZRC has recommended some welcome changes to the proposed zoning revision, it would be difficult  not to recognize that there remains significant community concern that the plan has focused too heavily on growth and not enough on preservation of the cherished qualities of the village. The main recurring themes are;

Some small changes to the proposal can address these concerns and still allow for some increase in allowable development.

A more modest, but still significant reduction in lot sizes

Reducing dimensional requirements would allow for development of some empty lots and the subdivision of larger lots.  While the historic areas of the village generally have lot widths of 80’ to 100’  and an average square footage of 20,000, reducing the  minimum dimensions to 65’ wide and 10,000 sq feet for 1 or 2 units, and 80’ wide and 12,500 sq feet for 3 and 4 units, would be a significant drop from current regulations and allow for additional housing consistent with existing neighborhoods.

Limit the proportion of land that can be built on.

Lot Area Coverage’ is referred to in the purpose clause of the Village Zoning Law and limits how much of a lot that can be covered. Limiting structures to 15% and impervious surfaces to 30% would have multiple benefits. (houses on smaller lots in the village cover about 10% of the lot)

Regulated ADUs, not full second homes

The community’s desire to allow some Accessory Dwellings Units (ADUs) has come up repeatedly for many years. Relief from the  financial strain of homeownership, creation of affordable rentals apartments and tourist accommodations have been cited as ‘pros’. Impacts of noise, traffic on neighboring properties as well as overcrowding have been cited as ‘cons’.

Design and use guidelines can reduce the impact on neighbors. These can include:

The original revision changed ‘Care Cottage’ provisions to permanent ADUs. The current revision allows for additional houses that are as large or larger than the primary home in backyards. Second primary  homes on a single lot are widely regarded as detrimental to neighborhood form. Rear yards not only provide private recreational space , but when combined, they are our collective parks. They provide shade, wildlife habitat,  stormwater absorption and privacy. Preserving them is essential to preserving what people love about living here.

Retain Planned Development Area (PDA) regulations

As described in the current zoning,  Planned Development Areas ‘enable and encourage flexibility of design and development of that in a manner that fits into the existing fabric of the Village, but does not strictly meet the dimensional requirements of this ordinance’.  The current proposal allows for up to 25 units anywhere in the village where enough land is available and Site Plan Review. Keeping the PDA regulations for developments over 4 units, would allow for projects such as Juniper Manor or smaller ‘pocket neighborhoods’, while providing more protection for existing neighborhoods.

What about affordable housing?

Along with personal freedom, one of the main reasons that citizens cite for supporting increased density and low regulation is that it will help with housing affordability. Unfortunately, new market based development is expensive and may replace existing, more affordable homes. Public/private partnerships have proven more effective than deregulation in providing affordable and inclusive housing, The two INHS projects currently under way in Trumansburg will add 56 affordable units and 10 market rate houses at Village Grove and bring the refurbished Compass property to 138 manufactured home sites  that previously had numerous vacant or abandoned sites.

What about taxes?

High taxes are also a concern and have been cited as a reason for encouraging more development within the Village. While growth may lower the tax burden in the short term, these new residents will also require increased services and investments in infrastructure, so the long term effect of growth on taxes is unclear. 


One of the reasons that housing has become expensive in the village is because people long to live in places that have not been overwhelmed by growth. This is one of our greatest assets, but it is also fragile. High demand, combined with the increased presence of investors in residential housing markets, will put continued pressure for growth that could lead to the loss of the village's character. 

In revising zoning laws, the Board of Trustees must be responsive to the current needs of citizens. However, it also has a duty, as the stewards of the village, to ensure that the future residents can enjoy the high quality of life that the Village of Trumansburg provides. Finding a responsible balance of these competing needs is possible, but will require a careful and nuanced approach that is tailored to the needs and concerns of Trumansburg citizens.

Anthony Hanson

Trumansburg, NY