Shin Hollow Gazette

Information, Ideas and Community

This website was developed with input from your neighbors. The hope is to provide a home for community involvement and civil discourse. All are welcome to comment and contribute. Due to the importance and immediacy of the topic, zoning is a current focus, but this is a work in progress, it's evolution will depend on community feedback and participation.

Keep in touch at

-Anthony Hanson, Editor

Why is it called Shin Hollow?

Early European settlers in Trumansburg hewed the heavily wooded area to build homes, create pasture land and provided lumber for a vibrant ship building trade along the shores of Cayuga Lake.

Shin Hollow was the colloquial name for the village in the 1800s, referring to men’s legs that were scarred on their way home from the tavern, a dangerous trip because one had to weave in and out among the tree stumps. Shin Hollow Gazette is  reflective of our continued enterprising but mirthful community.